Friday, April 28, 2006

Delmon Throws a Fit

For those of you that have not seen the footage yet and still harbor hope that Delmon Young's bat throwing incident was a misunderstanding...forget about it. SinceYoung has left the picture before the bat is thrown, witnesses are needed to identify him as the culprit. What the fim does prove is intent. There is no way the bat could come into the frame like that and not have been an intentional act.

What happens now? He has already been suspended indefinitely. Dan Shanoff from's The Quickie suggested 50 games. I think the punishment should be far more harsh. Pete Rose got 30 games for shoving an umpire...this is far more severe an act. Young walked away, then threw the bat back in the direction of the umpire, which could have done much more damage than almost any shove. Personally, as much as I hate to see a talent like Young have to come off the field, that should not have any bearing on the punishment.

My recommendation: Suspend Young for the rest of the 2006 season including playoffs. After 30 days, allow him to train at team facilities and work with team personnel. This would be a firm stance against his actions while allowing his team to help him grow as a player during that time. Baseball should take responsibility for making sure this kid see the error of his ways, but also make sure he has the opportunity to maximize his time off. He will miss actual game experience, but he may gain humility.

Sorry Delmon. If I had my way, I would not see you on the field until Opening Day 2007 (provided the Devil Rays do what they should and give you a spot in their outfield).